Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Synthesis Of Aspirin Synthesis - 825 Words

Synthesis of Aspirin Erin Chase Arellano CHEM 12A ABSTRACT Acetylsalicylic or most commonly known as Aspirin is made through a combination of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. It is use to relieve mild to moderate pain such as muscle pain, headaches and common cold and reduce fever. The objective of this experiment was to synthesize aspirin from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. The purity of aspirin was tested using the ferric chloride test and % yield was also calculated. Below drawing is the synthesis reaction of aspirin: PROCEDURE Preparations of Acetylsalicylic Acid (Aspirin) Prepare a hot water bath using a 250 ml beaker and a hot plate. Add 100 ml of water into a beaker. Adjust the temperature of the hot plate to 50 C.†¦show more content†¦Stir them and note the color change. DATA Mass, Volumes and yields Mass of Salicylic acid (g) 0.211 g Volume of acetic anhydride(ml): 0.479 ml Mass of Aspirin product (g) 0. 173 g Percent yield 63.1% Percent Recovery 82% Melting Point Softening point ( ° C) 128.1 Melting point ( ° C) 131.9 Melting point error 2.30 % Ferric Chloride Test Result Test Tube #1 (Salicylic acid) Dark Purple Test Tube #2 (Aspirin product) Pale Purple Test Tube #3 (None) None CALCULATIONS Theoretical Yield 0.210g Ãâ€"(1 mol Salicylic Acid)/(138.12 g Salicylic Acid) Ãâ€"(1 mol Aspirin)/(1 mol Salicylic Acid) (180.16 g Aspirin)/(1 mol Aspirin ) =0.274 g Aspirin Percent Yield (Actual Yield)/(Theoretical Yield) Ãâ€"100= (0.173 g)/(0.274 g) Ãâ€"100=63.1% Percent Recovery (0.173 g)/0.211g x 100=82% Percent error of melting point (135- 131.9)/135 x 100=2.30 % DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In this experiment, the actual yield of the aspirin synthesized was 0.173 g and a theoretical yield of 0.274 g. As a result, there was a 36.9% error with a reasonable percent yield of 63.1 %. Several factors can cause product loss on this experiment. One of them was transferring the product to another flask. The product may not have been fully transferred and still have remaining residue. Another example of this was during the vacuum filtration process, I have noticed that theShow MoreRelatedSynthesis of Aspirin1618 Words   |  7 Pagesobjective was to convert a specific amount of salicylic acid into the same amount of aspirin that was high in purity. Furthermore, the other objectives were to enable students to conduct the synthesis of aspirin, reinforce skills or recrystallisation and the technique of melting point determination. The amount of each compound should be the same because there is a 1:1 ratio between them. The purity of the synthesized aspi rin was measured by determining its melting point and percent yield. Soluble impuritiesRead MoreExperiment : Synthesis Of Aspirin1147 Words   |  5 PagesOctober 6th, 2014 Experiment 5: Synthesis of Aspirin Abstract: In today’s experiment, aspirin was synthesized using salicylic acid, acetic anhydride, a catalyst (concentrated sulfuric acid), and water. The main goal of this experiment was to synthesize pure aspirin. Another goal was to test aspirin’s purity by running a TLC and getting a melting point test done. Also, calculations of the theoretical yield and percent yield were done. The final product (aspirin) percent yield was 18.247% yieldRead MoreEssay on Synthesis of Aspirin5275 Words   |  22 PagesThe Synthesis of Aspirin Chemistry Standard Level Lab Report Data Collection and Processing and Conclusion and Evaluation Date: December 8th, 2011 Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to synthesize aspirin, determine the theoretical yield, compare the percent yield to the theoretical yield and test the purity of aspirin by adding Iron (III) chloride to the product. Hypothesis: I hypothesize that salicylic acid will react with acetic anhydride to produce acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)Read MoreSynthesis Of Aspirin Lab Report1101 Words   |  5 PagesExperiment 19: Synthesis of Aspirin and Oil of Wintergreen The purpose of this experiment was to employ techniques to synthesize aspirin and oil of wintergreen and to purify crude aspirin via recrystallization. Additionally, techniques were learned to determine the purity of the synthesized organic molecule of acetylsalicylic acid using a back-titration method. The objectives of the experiment were achieved by synthesizing the organic molecules of acetylsalicylic acid (using salicylic acid andRead MoreThe Synthesis Of Aspirin ( Acetylsalicylic Acid )2045 Words   |  9 PagesAbstract This report presents the synthesis of Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), as the product of the reaction of salicylic acid with ethanoic anhydride under acidic conditions. Aspirin was purified through recrystallisation by vacuum filtration, followed by desiccation of the Aspirin crystal over silica gel. The percentage yield was calculated as 44.89% and a sample of Aspirin was analysed using infra-red spectroscopy and compared to the spectrum of pure Aspirin, this served as an introduction toRead MoreSynthesis of Aspirin Lab Report2989 Words   |  12 PagesAbstract: The goal of this experiment was to synthesize aspirin. In this experiment aspirin, also known as acetylsalicylic acid, was synthesized from salicylic acid and acetic anhydride. In the reaction the hydroxyl group on the benzene ring in salicylic acid reacted with acetic anhydride to form an ester functional group. This method of forming acetylsalicylic acid is an esterification reaction. Since this esterification reaction is not spontaneous, sulfuric acid was used as a catalyst to initiateRead MoreSynthesis and Characterization of Aspirin Product Identity and Purity After synthesizing a1000 Words   |  4 PagesSynthesis and Characterization of Aspirin Product Identity and Purity After synthesizing a chemical, especially a drug, it is important to confirm the identity and purity of the product. You will perform three tests to examine the identity and purity of the aspirin that you synthesized. One test will detect the presence of leftover salicylic acid in the synthesized aspirin and allow you to determine its concentration. Government regulations stipulate that commercial aspirin must not contain residualRead MoreMicroscale Synthesis of Acetylsalicylic Acid1211 Words   |  5 PagesSynthesis of Aspirin Ling Tecson Gamido, Mitchiko Mariel M. Mizukami Abstract Acetylsalicylic acid, or also known as aspirin is known to be a drug that relives people of pain and is commonly used even today. It is synthesized from salicylic acid and ethanoic anhydride, both of small quantities. Phosphoric acid was used as a catalyst in the synthesis to speed up the process. Esterification is involved and the final product is aspirin with the presence of acetic acid as the byproduct. In orderRead MorePreparation of Aspirin and Determination of the Melting Point1445 Words   |  6 PagesPREPARATION OF ASPIRIN AND DETERMINATION OF THE MELTING POINT Ferrer, Lara Melissa V. Faculty of Engineering University of Santo Tomas Manila, Philippines ABSTRACT This experiment involved three steps: synthesis of aspirin, isolation and purification, and the estimation of purity of the final product. The synthesis involved the reaction of salicylic acid and acetic anhydride in the presence of a catalyst, phosphoric acid, H3PO4. When the aspirin was prepared, it was isolated and filtered. The percentageRead MoreThe Theory Of Green Chemistry On Microwave Heating Essay1532 Words   |  7 PagesObjective The current experiment introduces the concept of green chemistry on microwave heating to synthesise aspirin, instead of using conventional heating methods. Introduction Aspirin synthesis is a popular experiment undertaken in most organic chemistry teaching laboratories (Montes et al., 2006). 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Mgnrega(Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee...

Introduction Poverty in India is one of the main issues, attracting the attention of sociologists and economists. It indicates a condition in which a person fails to maintain a living standard adequate for a comfortable lifestyle. Though India boasts of a high economic growth, it is shameful that there is still large scale poverty in India. Poverty in India can be defined as a situation when a certain section of people are unable to fulfill their basic needs. India has the worlds largest number of poor people living in a single country. Out of its total population of more than 1 billion, 350 to 400 million people are living below the poverty line. Nearly 75% of the poor people are in rural areas, most of them are daily wagers, landless†¦show more content†¦NREGA is designed as a safety net to reduce migration by rural poor households in the lean period through a hundred days of guaranteed unskilled manual labour provided when demanded at minimum wage on works focused on water conservation, land development drought proofing. The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, (NREGA) was notified on September 7, 2005. Implemented by the Ministry ofShow MoreRelatedUnorganised Labour in India1415 Words   |  6 Pagescasual nature of employment, ignorance and illiteracy. Trends in Employment in Organised and Unorganised Sectors in India The table below explains the extent of workforce in the organised and unorganised sectors, and their changes over time. The share of organised workforce was about 8.per cent by 1983, which declined to 7.54 per cent by 2004-2005. The corresponding share of unorganized workforce was about 92.07 per cent by 1983, which increased to 92.46 per cent by 2004-2005 Year Organised Sector

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Emerging Three Dimensional Printing Of Modern Medicine Essay

Emerging Three Dimensional Printing in Modern Medicine The improvements made in the medical field such as surgical procedures, equipment and outcomes have been nothing but extraordinary. In this day, we have been able to experience the almost impossible medical advancements. Starting from an ancient Babylonian and a Greek physician, we are now in the verge of developing printable 3-D organs and 3-D virtual reality models of fetuses. These 3-D organs and models are an excellent source for any organ transplants, internal and external prosthesis, further experimentation on disease development and prevention, and finally, aid in assessing fetus abnormalities to prevent many other possible medical complications. All of these factors also affect the amount of reimbursement received based on the impact on medical cost such as length of surgery, type and quantity of equipment needed to perform these procedures or printings, required medical staff to assist in surgical procedure, types of med ications or therapies required after surgery and patients length of the stay. Three Dimensional printing is becoming one of the next biggest advancements in modern medicine, helping physicians and scientist achieve many more successful outcomes with their patients. At the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, in North Carolina, custom- build bioprinters are being perfected to achieve successful use. An object is scanned or designed using model software, that data is then sent to theShow MoreRelatedHow Digital Printing Is Revolutionize Our Modern Day Lives?1258 Words   |  6 Pagesthe future of medicine will be in the next decade? With diseases and illnesses advancing, technology has been improving and advanced innovative ways have been surfacing. Something that has modernized our way of life without even realizing it is a printer. Do you ever foresee that printers could other than put ink on a piece of paper? Three-dimensional printing is revolutionizing our modern day lives in our own selves as we speak. Although there are several types of 3D printing, one version thatRead MoreEvaluating The Future Of Medicine1508 Words   |  7 Pagesyou think the future of medicine will be in the next decade? With diseases and illnesses a dvancing, technology has been improving and advanced innovative ways have been surfacing. Something that has modernized our way of life without even realizing it is a printer. Did you ever foresee that printers could do other than put ink on a piece of paper? Three-dimensional printing is revolutionizing our modern day lives as we speak. Although there are several types of 3D printing, one version that hasRead MoreHow Scientists Can Most Efficiently Complete Organ Printing Essay2428 Words   |  10 Pagesorgan printing. In this lab, the cells will be suspended in a substrate called sodium alginate-collagen, hydrogel, and other reactants. These materials will react to then embed the cells to their goal location. Then, the cells will be able to be fixated into layers. These layers will then come together and form tissues, which according to biological organization will form organs. The inkjet bioprinter allows for this to occur. Tiny ink droplets form a digital design for the org an printing, and inRead MoreFrom Salvation to Self-Realization18515 Words   |  75 Pageshealth defined in sweeping terms. 5Of course, one could argue that there is nothing specifically historical about this therapeutic ethos. People have always been preoccupied by their own emotional and physical well-being; all cultures, ancient and modern, have probably had some sort of therapeutic dimension. But my research in magazines, letters, and other cultural sources suggests that something was different about the latenineteenth-century United States. In earlier times and other places, the questRead MoreComparative Analysis of Different Brands14052 Words   |  57 Pages50-paise. And that’s when the multinationals sat up and noticed him. But what really worked was the ‘bring empty sachets and take shampoo sachets in return’ offer. Sales zoomed from 35,000 sachets to 12 lakhs. Initially they took any sachet, but after three months they restricted to Chik sachets C) â€Å"LIBERLIZATION BOOM and STABLIZATION† STAGE POST LIBERLIZATION (1991-2000) Post liberalization not only saw higher number of domestic choices, but also imported products. The lowering of the trade barriersRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38427 Words   |  154 Pages11. Asimov, Isaac, 1920. 111. United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. IV.College of William and Mary. V. Title. VI. Series. Q175.55.B88 1985 303.4’83 84-1 4 1 59 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Foreword Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is growing. By drastically changing our means of communication, the way we work, our housing, clothes, and food, our methods of transportationRead MoreImpact of Science on Society38421 Words   |  154 Pages11. Asimov, Isaac, 1920. 111. United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. IV.College of William and Mary. V. Title. VI. Series. Q175.55.B88 1985 303.4’83 84-1 4 1 59 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Foreword Science and technology have had a major impact on society, and their impact is growing. By drastically changing our means of communication, the way we work, our housing, clothes, and food, our methods ofRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography: Plagiarism39529 Words   |  158 Pageswill need to quote from the work of others. However, you must make it quite clear that is what you are doing and you must give proper recognition to the original author (identifying the quotations and referencing the paper appropriately). There are three types of plagiarism. Unattributed copying from the work of others; Unattributed copying from work that you have published in the past; Patch-writing where substantial passages are taken from previous published work and slightly edited to changeRead MoreI Love Reading Essay69689 Words   |  279 Pagesentrepreneurs are graduates. However, only 16% chose a speciï ¬ c sector as a result of their educational background. Nearly one in two entrepreneurs considered skill shortages in recruitment to be a problem of average importance, while nearly one in three considered it ‘somewhat difï ¬ cult’ or ‘very difï ¬ cult’ to ï ¬ nd candidates with the right skills. More than a third of the entrepreneurs faced problems in accessing as well as retaining employees generally. 50% of the entrepreneurs experienced difï ¬ cultiesRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagesacademic spheres in accounting, I sense that the two worlds have less and less to do with one another. It is therefore ever more important to reflect on the contributions which Michael Bromw ich has made. He played an important role in the diffusion of modern practices of capital investment appraisal in the United Kingdom. He has been constantly open to the insights which advances in economic theory can provide into the accounting art, in many areas pushing at the frontiers of international knowledge in

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Double lidded free essay sample

As a child, my parents always sighed at my lack of double eyelids. Apparently, as soon as I was out of the womb my mother checked out the status and sadly informed my father that I had not inherited her eyelids. Most parents count fingers and toes, but I guess the pain of childbirth made her forget that part and focus on my double eyelid deficiency. Being Chinese, it was considered a blessing to be born with big eyes and double lids, as most grew up with the stereotypical squinty eyes. So, in junior high, when other girls developed womanly traits and I developed double eyelids, I thought that I had been blessed. Who needed wider hips? I had double eyelids. I was set. â€Å"Wake up!† a classmate said to me. â€Å"I’m not sleeping,† I replied, confused. â€Å"I know! You just look like you are, ‘cause you’re Asian!† he cackled and high fived his friend. We will write a custom essay sample on Double lidded or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Hurt and still confused, I pulled out a mirror and checked to make sure my eyes had not returned to their congenital state. They hadn’t. I didn’t understand. Their joke didn’t even apply to me. And that was when I realized: it didn’t matter how big my eyes or how thick the creases on my eyelids were. Upon first impression, I was â€Å"that† Asian girl, and always would be. Every stereotype that surrounded Asians would follow me. To them, all Asians were the same. And so, I dove into the task of Americanizing myself as much as possible. I shopped at Abercrombie and followed all of the typical American tween trends. Gone were the scallion and pork dumplings for lunch; I ate a turkey sandwich instead. When my parents spoke to me in public, their broken English embarrassed me. If they asked me to speak in Chinese so that they could better understand me, I would get annoyed. Once the star student at my local Chinese school, I quickly lost that status as I insisted on dropping out. When my parents refused, I chose to sit in class with a pout on my face, believing that I was too American for it. My reflection in the mirror, I thought, was one of an American teenager. As a result, my parents carted me off to Taiwan for a month so that I would be forced to embrace my heritage. They disliked this new Twinkie of a daughter they had (yellow on the outside, white on the inside), and wanted their old one back. The specific events of that trip did not matter. What mattered was that the American who stepped onto the plane to Taiwan returned as a Chinese-American. Turkey sandwiches and Abercrombie had lost their appeal, and so did everything that they represented. So what if I would always be seen as an Asian? That was who I was, who I am, and always will be. Hiding my heritage only prevented me from reaching my potential. By emulating the other girls, I lost not only my cultural identity, but my core self. My likes and dislikes had been dictated by what was â€Å"accepted,† and kept me from formulating my own opinions of the world. Regaining pride of my culture opened my eyes to what I really thought about anything. Now, in my reflection I see a p roud Chinese-American girl staring back. So, when one day my friend cackled, â€Å"HACHIMA!† I reminded him, â€Å"I don’t speak Korean. I’m Chinese. And no, it’s not all the same.† As for my double eyelids, well, those are still something I feel blessed about. The only difference is, now I see them as a trait that makes me stand out from other Asians, instead of something that exempts me from being a target of squinty eyed Asian jokes.